Pyromorfitt 3,88 gram

EAN-kode: PYRO388

NOK250,00 inkl. mva.
På lager: 1 stk.
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Pyromorfitt 3,88 gram

Størrelse: 22 x 10 mm

Pyromorfitt er eit grønt blymalm, og eit oftast grønt mineral i apatittgruppa, eit klorhaldig blyfosfat, Pb5(PO4)3Cl. Det finst som sekundærmineral i oksidasjonssonen i blyførekomstar. På same måte opptrer to tilsvarande samband: arsenatet mimetesitt (mimetitt), Pb5(AsO4)3Cl, med gul til brun farge, og vanadinitt, Pb5(VO4)3Cl, eit vanadat med oransje til raud farge. Dei tre minerala finst ofte i vene heksagonale krystall.

Some more about some of my favorite crystals. Pyromorphite aids communication with animals, plants, nature spirits, induces awareness that what harms one harms all. Used in healing efforts associated with imbalances in the energy associated with the 4th Chakra, the Heart Chakra. It is used particularly in efforts to re-balance your mind and body, thoughts and experiences,and dreams and reality. Its energy is powerful in healing damage caused by lost love, and lost relationships. Metaphysical: Primary Chakra: heart chakra, throat chakra Astrological sign(s): Sagittarius, Leo, Aries Vibration: Number 7

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